About Films on LGBTQ Related Themes Articles by Sunil Deepak

These pages present my articles about films on LGBTQ themes. I saw many of these films in the Divergenti Film Festivals organised by the Bologna Association of Transsexual Persons (MIT - Movimento Identità Transessuale).

Some articles about Films on LGBTQ Themes

Films from Divergenti Film Festival of Bologna, 2014

Films from Divergenti Film Festival of Bologna, 2013

Note 01: Over the last couple of years there has been a lot of debate about blocking puberty among children who feel uncomfortable about their gender identity and eventually, helping them to transition including through surgical procedures. I have known Trans-persons who regret very much that their puberty was not blocked and who must face greater challenges to transition as adults. I also know many persons for whom confusion about their gender identity was a temporary phase during their childhood and who decided that they are happy with their gender identities. Finally, I also know individuals who regret having undergone surgical interventions for transitioning and wish they could go back to their birth-bodies. Thus, in general I am against the use of puberty blockers among children and I am firmly against any surgical interventions among minors related to transitioning. I recognise that this position means that there will be many individuals who will face greater challenges for transitioning as adults.

Note 02: Over the past years there has also been debate about use of women-only spaces for transgender women. At the same time there have been legal changes so that individuals born as males can themselves decide that they are transgender women without neccesarily following any specific transitioning process. I have known transgender women who face grave danger in male-only spaces such as toilets and changing rooms. I can also understand that some biological women may not feel safe in women-only spaces with some transgender women. I believe that calling such women to be trans-phobic is wrong and does not recognise their fears and concerns. A more open and respectful dialogue is needed between women and transgender women to find solutions in specific situations.


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